Monday, February 18, 2013

The Classics Club

One of the book blogger's I follow posted about the Classic's Club. It looked fun so I thought I would join. The premise is essentially to make a list of 50 classics that you want to read and set a finish date up to 5 years in the future when you will have them all completed. Since I am already working on the Novel 100 project and the 1001 books list this will be a way for me to keep on track. If I read 1 book a month from the Novel 100 book here is my list of what I will have done in 5 years:

39) The Tin Drum-Gunter Grass

40) Molloy, Malone, Dies the Unnameable- Samuel Beckett

41) Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austen

42) The Scarlet Letter- Nathaniel Hawthorne

43) Fathers and Sons- Ivan Turgenev

44) Nostromo- Joseph Conrad

45) Beloved- Toni Morrison

46) An American Tragedy- Theodore Dreiser

47) Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov

48) The Golden Notebook- Doris Lessing

49) Clarissa- Samuel Richardson

50) Dream of the Red Chamber- Cao Xueqin

51) The Trial- Franz Kafka

52) Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte

53) The Red Badge of Courage- Stephen Crane

54) The Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck

55) Petersburg- Andrey Bely

56) Things Fall Apart- Chinua Achebe

57) the Princess of Cleves-Madame de Lafayette

58) The Stranger- Albert Camus

59) My Antonia- Willa Cather

60) The Counterfeiters-Andre Gide

61) The Age of Innocence- Edith Wharton

62) The Good Soldier- Ford Madox Ford

63) The Awakening- Kate Chopin

64) A Passage to India- E.M. Forester

65) Herzog- Saul Bellow

66) Germinal- Emile Zola

67) Call it Sleep- Henry Roth

68) USA Trilogy- John Dos Passos

69) Hunger- Knut Hamsun

70) BErlin Alexanderplatz- Alfred Doblin

71) Cities of Salt- Abd Al Rahman Munif

72) The Death of Artemio Cruz- Carlos Fuentes

73) A Farewell to Arms- Ernest Hemingway

74) Bridgeshead Revisited-Evelyn Waugh

75) The Last chronicle of Barset- Anthony Trollope

76) The Pickwick Papers- Charles Dickinson

77) Robinson Crusoe- Daniel Dafoe

78) The sorrows of Young Werther- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

79) Candide- Voltaire

80) Native Son- Richard Wright

81) Under the Volcano- Malcolm Lowry

82) Oblomov- Ivan Goncharov

83) Their eyes WEre Watching God- Zora Neal Hurston

84) Waverley- Sir Walter Scott

85) Snow Country- Kawabata Yasunari

86) Nineteen Eighty-four-George Orwell

87) The Betrothed- Allesandro Manzoni

88) The last of the Mohican- James Fenimore Cooper

89) Uncle Tom's Cabin-Harriet Beecher Stowe

I have left the list numbers on so that people can follow along with my progress on my original challenge of the Novel 100. At my current pace I still won't be done in 5 years and I have been working on it for just over two years already. My end date for this particular challenge will be March 2018 as I won't start The Tin Drum until March.

If you are interested in checking out the Classics Club you can find the challenge here. Happy Reading!

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